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Walter M Bain, MD

Sinus Infections in Children


Chronic rhinosinusitis is a common health problem for children that primary care physicians, allergists and otolaryngologists deal with very frequently.

Most children respond to medical treatment that consists of oral antibiotics, topical nasal steroids, saline sprays and anti-reflux medications.

Children with enlarged adenoids may have symptoms of nasal obstruction, nasal stuffiness and runny nose. Recent studies suggest that the adenoids play a role in symptoms of chronic rhinosinusitis. The adenoids have been known to act as a reservoir for bacteria. Adenoidectomy is a commonly performed procedure in pediatric patients and has been shown in multiple studies to be effective in improving rhinosinusitis symptoms in most pediatric patients for whom medical therapy fails.

Endoscopic sinus surgery in children is indicated only after other more conservative treatment techniques have failed. It is clearly a more complex procedure with greater risk.


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Dr. Walter M. Bain and staff welcome you and thank you for choosing us as your San Antonio health care provider.  Dr. Bain is a Board Certified Otolaryngologist (also known as an ENT or Ears, Nose, and Throat specialist) in private practice in San Antonio since 1981.

Call us today at 210-696-HEAR (4327).

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